Kids are so funny!!
Yes I am still alive!
Since the last time I posted God has blessed me with a wonderful little niece, I am very thankful for her!
So here is what my title is all about.
Last night we had put the kids to bed and the two babies were talking while in bed and this is what they had to say.
Skyler: Benanna (that is what she calls Brieanna) you be the mom ok?
No answer from Brieanna.
Skyler:(talking to Brieanna) hey mom, hey mom, hey mom answer me!!
No answer from Brieanna.
Skyler: Benanna are you dead?
** o my that was so funny you may not think so but you should have heard them!**
and yet another conversation....
Skyler: Hey Anthony don't go to sleep ok?
Anthony: Yes Skyla (that is what he calls Skyler) I am sleepy I can not keep my eyes open.
Skyler: No Anthony sit up don't lay down and go to sleep read a book!
Anthony: No Skyla I am sleepy!
after that they went to sleep. hopefully you all enjoyed that as much as I did! It was very funny sitting on the couch listening to them carrying on that conversation!
well any ways that is it for now I hope you enjoy!!!!!