There is this girl in my class and from the first time I ever met her I thought she seemed very sencere. Well, the other day while I was coming out of class she was sitting on the sidewalk smoking! This girl and I have a lot in common; we both have eight sibblings, have been home schooled, and we are the same age. It just really saddened me that she is ruining her life for a "little puff" or to look "cool"! I have saw people in my family die because of this and I do not like seeing people my age or anyone else for that matter with this habit! It is not so "cool" when you cannot breath (you wish you could get a puff of air) and you are coughing your lungs up! Please remember that I care about you and NEVER start this habit!
Enough for now I will plan to be back soon!
That is so sad, and its NOT cool by any means. Stay true sister.
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