Friday, December 14, 2007

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Nicky!
You are also the BEST sister-in-law in the world!
Hope your Birthday has been the very best!
Love You!
Thanks for being a great wife for my brother and a great mommy for my neice!
Also Thanks for being a good example! and for being a great sister-in-law!

Congrats to Jeremy!

This morning I attended Jeremy's graduation I am very proud of him! I am glad that he just hung in there and did not give up! I know some of you other bloggers THINK you have the best brother in the whole world, but there is a problem I KNOW that I have the best brother in the whole world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways, I just wanted to stop by and let you all know that I am a VERY proud little sister and that Jeremy is the VERY best big brother in the world!
That will be it for now! I will try to be back soon!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Once upon a time...

There was a girl that did not have anything to say on her blog, but she posted just to say that she was still alive and to know that she has put something on her blog! That girl happens to be me!
I have nothing to say I just stopped by to let ya'll know that I am still alive and that I am still blogging!
Anyways, maybe I will have more to say later!
If you want something sad to listen go to and listen to The Highest Stakes parts 1 and 2.
