Thursday, October 09, 2008


There is this girl in my class and from the first time I ever met her I thought she seemed very sencere. Well, the other day while I was coming out of class she was sitting on the sidewalk smoking! This girl and I have a lot in common; we both have eight sibblings, have been home schooled, and we are the same age. It just really saddened me that she is ruining her life for a "little puff" or to look "cool"! I have saw people in my family die because of this and I do not like seeing people my age or anyone else for that matter with this habit! It is not so "cool" when you cannot breath (you wish you could get a puff of air) and you are coughing your lungs up! Please remember that I care about you and NEVER start this habit!

Enough for now I will plan to be back soon!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

To My Friends................ You Know Who You Are..

Thanks for being my friends!
I will not list names I do not want to forget anyone!
I Love you all!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Have I ever?

No I havent.!

Today is my day that I go to college. I have to be there at 7:45 am so that means I have to arise early! For this particular day after I stayed up really late last night/morning finishing up my homework. I get to class after having a little over four hours of sleep to find that my teacher is sick and that class has been cancled. O my what a bumer I could have stayed home and slept.

On another note.

Today was also my senior meeting so that means a trip into town. While we were in town we decided to get something to eat so we went into a fast food restraunt, ordered our food, and sat down and started eating.
This is when we realized that the lady(ies) beside us were not going to be quite for nothing. We were there for 30-45 min. I do not recall a time that they stopped talking for the whole time we were there. I have to admit that I was laughing so hard at these poor lady(ies). I should be ashamed but I am not. So, we finally managed to make it through the meal without being very disruptive with our laughter. When we got up to leave this poor lady sitting on the other side of the VERY talkative ladies looked up at me and said, "I am starting to get scared". At this point my laughter could not be held in it just came out rather I liked it or not! After we had gotten into the van to leave one of my younger siblings had to go to the restroom so I went back in to take the child to the restroom and they were still talking!!! While exiting the restraunt for the second time I over heard these ladies exchanging names for the first time!!!!! O my they did not even know one another!

Anyways this may seem like a LONG post but it is nothing compared to the talkative ladies I experienced.
Hope you get as much laughter as I did from this!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday To Bro. Doug!
I doubt you will see this but, I guess it is the thought that counts!

I posted two times in the same week! Wow! Don't pass out on me!
